Exercise Program for Sport and Recreation


This program offers unlimited workout variation.

Click on the circuit workouts and exercises to open the drop down menus. 

You do not need to do every workout or exercise – I am simply giving you options.


Beginner to Intermediate Circuits

20min Time Cap
Max Rounds w/ 2*10kg Dumbbells

► 10 Squat + Push Press 
► 10 Bent Over Row
► 20 Romanian Deadlift

Females use 5kg dumbbells

4 Rounds, Time Trial

► Barbell Bench Press (40kg, 15)
► Dumbbell Row (20kg, 15ea)
► Alternate Lunge (20kg, 15ea)

Females use 25kg for Bench Press, and 14kg for Dumbbell Row + Lunge.

Barbell Complex Tutorial

16min Time Cap, Max Rounds w/ 20kg bar

► 10 Press
► 10 Front Squat
► 10 Bent Over Row
► 15 Deadlift

You may exclude the Bent Over Row exercise if your back cannot remain straight.
– Beginners may find the exercise difficult to position due to bad posture and a muscle imbalance.

20min Time Cap, Max Rounds

► 4 Pull ups
► 12 Push ups
► 16 Overhead Squats
► 20 Sit ups

Females perform 2 pull ups only.

Bring chest 1 inch to ground with push ups.

Use a broomstick for overhead squats as in the video.

With sit ups – tap the ground above your head, sit up and tap floor between feet.

4 Rounds, Time Trial

Dumbbell Bench Press (2*22kg, 12)
Dumbbell Row (2*22kg, 16ea)
R.F.E.S.S (2*10kg, 12ea)

Females use 2*14kg for bench press and row, and 2*5kg for R.F.E.S.S

Advanced Circuits

4 Rounds, Time Trial

► 20 Ring Pushups / Ring Dips
► 20 Ring Rows
► 30 Hip Raise
► 12ea Pistol / 30 Overhead Squats

This is what your transition between Ring Pushups and Ring Rows should look like, quick and smooth.

Perform Dips if you do not want to do Pushups in that workout.

3 Rounds, Time Trial

► A1) Kettlebell Clean (20kg, 10ea)
► A2) Figure Eight (20kg, 20)

► B1) Squat and Push Press (2*12kg, 10)
► B2) Single Leg RDL (2*12kg, 10ea)
► B3) Bent Over Row (2*12kg, 10)

If you do not have a Kettlebell this workout can actually be done with a dumbbell.

Perform the A superset 3 times (Females use 16kg), once completed move on to the B giant set (Females use 2*8kg), complete 3 times. 

5 Rounds, Time Trial

Clean & Push Press (8ea)
Swings (16)
► Alternate Lunges (8ea)
Upright Row (16)

Males use 20kg Kettlebell, Females 16kg.

Time Trial

► 10 to 1 Clean, Squat, Push Press

Perform 10 reps, 9, 8, 7, until 0. It is 55 reps in total.

1 rep is a clean, front squat and push press.

This is an advanced exercise – not for beginners.

Core Workout #1

Sit-ups for 20 to 50 reps.

Use decline sit ups if possible. 

Increasing the decline angle will make the exercise more difficult. 

Leg Raises for 20 to 50 reps

Do it from lying on the floor if you don’t have a decline bench.

Ab Wheel Roll-outs for 3 sets of 20 to 30 reps.

Core Workout #2

Just one set of 5 minutes. Only count the time spent in the Plank hold, exclude any short rests you take.

Core Workout #3

Side bend for 20ea

Hold a 2.5kg weight plate over your head, within 1 inch, and bend laterally side to side.

Rotational Twist for 20ea

Use a weight plate.

Hip Extension for 3 set of 20 reps.

Core Workout #4

Wipers for 15 to 20ea

V Sit Ups or Knee Hugs , 20

Knee hugs are easier, but both work the same muscle group. I like to use knee hugs.

Just one set of 5 minutes. Only count the time spent in the L Sit, exclude any short rests you take.

Place a foot lightly on the floor for assistance. Or exclude the exercise completely if you are just too out of shape to perform it.

Strength Workouts

These workouts build high end levels of strength so you may perform circuits faster – the light weights will be easier. I recommend stretching during rest periods to make use of your time.

The exercises do not have to be performed in the order below. 

Rest Periods

It depends. For single sets of heavy lifting rest 2min to 3min e.g. heavy Deadlifts or Squats.

For super sets – rest about 45 sec after A1, then perform A2 and rest for a minute before repeating the super set.

Sets and Reps

Most of the weightlifting exercises will be in the 6 to 12 rep range.

2 to 4 sets per exercise.

2 Is fine too, if you put 100% effort in to those 2 sets per exercise. You definitely will still see results.

The intensity you workout with is what influences your results the most. The rep range and the sets you use means much less. 

How to Build Pullup Strength

You may mix your pull up grips, so start with overhand (palms facing away) the first set and switch to palms facing toward you the second set.

Beginners will find palms toward the easiest because they lack strength in their back muscles and therefore rely on the biceps to complete the movement. Palms facing toward you variation uses more biceps.

How to Perform Body Weight Dips

Perform as many as you can without destroying yourself.

You should be able to perform much more dips than you can do pullups.

Perform Ring Dips for variation.


Begin your first few weeks with 12 reps, thereafter you may add some weeks where you do as low as 3 reps with a very heavy weight to build maximum strength.

Romanian Deadlifts is a variation for building hamstring strength and flexibility. Aim for the 16 rep range.


– Alternate Lunges I commonly use 12 reps per side.

Walking Lunges I will set a distance of about 30 meters and lunge with a weight there and back.

Side Lunges are great for improving mobility and stretching out the groin. Build yourself up to performing this exercise with a heavier weight.

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

Goblet Squats

Back Squats

Front Squats

Pistol Squats

– Stick to 6+ reps per side, I use 12ea

Overhead Squats 
– Great for improving mobility and stretching out the adductors (inner thigh). Build yourself up to performing this exercise with a heavier weight.

Hip Raise sets of 20 to 30 reps is best.

The focus is on the Hip Raise movement, not the rest of the video.

Finisher Challenges

Short, sharp grand finales after your workouts circuit or strength workouts. Performed at max intensity.

Row 2km- How fast can you do it?
3km Time Trial Run- How fast can you do it?
Kettlebell Swings- 120 reps as fast as possible
Burpee Challenge- How many burpees can you do in 5mins?
Plank Challenge- How long can you hold a perfect plank for?

Cardiovascular Workouts

There is a lot of running, rowing and swimming time records online to help you gauge your progress.

Time Trial Run: 3km, 5km or 10km- How fast can you do it?
Swimming: Learn to Swim! Review YouTube- I swim for an hour and record the distance achieved
Skipping- Progress toward being able to perform double unders

Additional Workouts

4 rounds, 40kg, 6 reps each
Hang Clean or Power Clean
Push Press 
Front Squat 

Shuttle Run 5m, 10m, 15m
On the minute for 15 minutes

Simple Exercise for Building Neck Strength
Neck Bridge

– Medicine Ball Slams
– Sledge Hammer training
– Sled Dragging
– Tyre Flipping
– Prowler Pushing

Sand Bag Finisher
– Clean, Squat, Push Press
– Hang Cleans & Push Press w/ straps
– Pick Up + Place / Throw

Building Leg Power
– Box Jumps
– Agility Ladder

Olympic Weightlifting
You may substitute Strength Workouts to instead up-skill and practice your Power Clean and Jerk technique.

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